Unless you are into kinky the marks are a red flag. Or she has been beaten up. There is no future there. It may have been fun while it lasted but get out
Akso maybe be tested for STDs
hello, i was hoping to get some clarification about how people are disciplined for immorality as a jw.
i became involved with a co-worker a few years ago, she was fairly aggressive and she initiated a physical relationship very quickly.
at the time i did not know she was married and a jw.
Unless you are into kinky the marks are a red flag. Or she has been beaten up. There is no future there. It may have been fun while it lasted but get out
Akso maybe be tested for STDs
sorry if i missed this topic....since the governing body is not going "snitch" on how many has covid-19, have they at least made it public as to how bethel / bethel family is following safety procedures during covid-19?.
There was a letter sent out to us detailing how to spend time in your room. Remote work, watch videos( guess which ones), study, sing, oreoare meals
No mention of watching tv, surfing the web, or jacking off
30 second loop of snoring
i am just curious if anyone knows whether the "friends" still are required to wear "meeting clothes" for attending meetings through zoom?
such emphasis on dressing in a godly manner over the decades, would be interesting if some attend in pajamas or their work clothes, no makeup, etc....
I know at least one growing a beard. Looks very distinguished now that he is past the homeless stubble. Hope he keeps it
student (age 6-18) deaths from covid-19-involved illnesses are projected at a rate of 0.0001% as a percentage of their peers.
they died from influenza-involved illnesses at a rate of 0.0005% in 2018.. workforce (age 19-55) deaths from covid-19-involved illnesses are projected at a rate of .01% as a percentage of their peers.
they died from influenza-involved illnesses at a rate of .007% in 2018.. retired (age 66-77) deaths from covid-19-involved illnesses are projected at a rate of 1% as a percentage of their peers.
In all fairness we tinfoil hat people are right some times.
if you are on the email list these letters are already in your refrigerator.. 2 letters arrived, the same letter in english and spanish.. 2020-may-16, s-147-e announcementif you are not on the email list, reply below if you want the link put in your pm box.petra!
E mail is on the family computer.
It was fun to read the for elders only parts and know what is going on before the elders
i wonder if the covid restrictions continue are they gonna disfellowship via zoom?.
If you're gonna sin do it quick! Wifi might fail anyway before they gathered all the "Facts".
i am just curious if anyone knows whether the "friends" still are required to wear "meeting clothes" for attending meetings through zoom?
such emphasis on dressing in a godly manner over the decades, would be interesting if some attend in pajamas or their work clothes, no makeup, etc....
Yep, stand up and join our voices in harmony for song __ entitled__. At least they do mute it. Wife sounds like someone stepped on her foot, I sound like a frog with a sore throat. .No holding hands for prayer and keep your eyes closed. Not even a seat back in front to keep your balance.
i have been thinking about the legal departments that look after the wts interests around the world.i can`t believe these legal eagles offer their services on a voluntary basis like the r&f do.and i don`t believe their services would come cheap.. as an organization the size of jw.org and its offshoots of companys and interests around the world ,the cost of keeping them gainfully employed must amount to a considerable sum of money.. especially the law suits against them with child abuse court cases that arise on a regular basis ,and the government inquiry`s into the jw religion that is happening in different countries now.. all paid for by the voluntary contributions that come from the r&f for the worldwide preaching work .. contributions to pay for the wt organization`s legal department to defend themselves in court ?.
did jesus and the apostles pay lawyers to defend them in a court of law with funds donated by their supporters ?.
I thought the brownstones were for the elite; lawyers, doctors etc.
They need lawyers for child abuse, privacy, real estate, tax dodges. I sure would not want one of their lawyers help me plan my estate; nothing in the will for them. Any assets go to my undereducated kids.
i am so sick of hearing ( wife is pimi):.
critical times so hard to deal with.
last nano second..... buy out the time.
Every talk and song is entitled. Never named, called, about, on the subject, or titled.
I guess I am entitled to be a grammar nazi